across the funnel/business development pipeline

With Paperflite and Cleverstory, Nicole and Armada now have a single tool to engage prospects at each step of the funnel/pipeline — driving registrations before the tradeshow, engaging visitors at the tradeshow, and then capturing attention and nurturing and converting them to paying customers.

 Pre-tradeshow, Nicole and the team send out highly personalized Paperflite Collections to prospect accounts with the tradeshow landing page and registration forms. 

The QR code and Cleverstory landing pages help capture visitors’ attention during the tradeshow. After the tradeshow, Nicole uses Paperflite Collections to send Armada marketing material and other collateral specific to each prospect and nurtures these relationships, and showcases how Armada can solve their challenges.

on content
and performance

A seat at the table for

“Debi and I came into it last year really sort of blind and without many tools. So adding in Paperflite and Cleverstory has really been one of the main tools that we’re using insights at the top of the funnel.”

The insights Nicole has been able to get from Cleverstory and Paperflite, from registrations before the tradeshow to how the prospects engage with the content, have helped her understand what’s resonating with their audience and have helped drive marketing strategy.

These microsites, or Paperflite Collections, would contain Armada marketing collateral, videos, and case studies. 

It gives the 
prospects one central spot to access all content.

As we go further into the sales process, we put other things
out there in the same collection. This has given us great
insights into how engaged the prospect is versus an email.

The Collections have armed Nicole with all the right insights - how the prospect engages with the content and what clicks with them.

Based on the engagement, the prospect would be tagged as an SQL in their CRMs, and that’s when the Account Managers would come in and nurture that relationship.

the Loop

Putting up a stall and engaging visitors at the tradeshow is only the beginning. The meat of the work happens before and after. 

Before the tradeshow, to drive visitors to Armada’s booth, Nicole would create a targeted list and send personalized invites for the tradeshow using Paperflite. Then, based on the signups, Nicole would remarket it to people who didn’t sign up. 

Then, post the tradeshow, when Nicole would have prospects’ information, she’d put together a personalized content microsite with all the relevant content that would resonate with the prospects (based on their engagement with the interactive landing pages).

Step two was adopting a targeted approach to reach the right visitors with tailored content to drive engagement and capture leads.

Nicole developed a quiz that identified the challenges of their target audience, qualified them, and directed them to the corresponding landing pages. This allowed Armada’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to engage with tailored content and understand how Armada’s features addressed their needs.

And to make it all low-touch, Nicole set up a QR code at the booth so visitors could scan on their mobile devices and be directed to the questionnaire and then the Cleverstory interactive landing pages relevant to their challenges.

Day of the tradeshow, attendees would visit the Armada booth, scan the QR code, answer the survey, and check out the relevant page on their mobile devices, and the sign-up form on the Cleverstory page would capture the attendees’ information for Nicole to follow up with, post the tradeshow. This process ensured only high-intent leads were captured.

Game. Set. Match? Not Quite.

Now that the leads have been captured, 
how do you nurture and convert them to customers?

of Course?

In a landscape where fleeting attention spans and distractions reign, the inefficiencies of traditional marketing methods have only become more pronounced in a post-COVID world.

Especially so if you’re at a tradeshow — distracted attendees, a limited time window to make a lasting impression. So how do you capture the attention of the thousands of attendees and stand out in a crowd of competitor companies vying for attention? 

And if you’ve done the hard part of capturing their attention, how do you capitalize on it?

Welcome to Nicole’s world. 

That’s precisely the challenge Nicole Symchak, Director of Marketing and Business Development at Armada, faced as they were getting to ready to put on a show at their first post-COVID tradeshow.

We were trying to appeal to our clients as a technologically 
advanced, digitally driven company, and using Paperflite and Cleverstory really reinforced that 
we are committed to this more data-driven way of working

the Art of Tradeshows

Armada, established in the 1900s, is a global supply chain logistics partner for restaurants. Over their long history, Armada has seen it all - technological transformations and economic shifts - and continues to innovate and invest in cutting-edge technology, staying at the forefront of the industry.

Armada relies on tradeshows and conferences as one of the primary channels for business development and taking new features to the market. 

With over 20 such tradeshows a year (and 1500+ Chief Supply Chain Officers and supply chain leaders attending these tradeshows), it was crucial for Nicole and Armada to have a highly reliable self-serve model that could be easily replicated and scaled for every tradeshow to ensure the success of their participation.

When Paperflite and Armada started working together, they were three days out from a tradeshow. 

Panic at the disco? Not for Nicole and Armada. And not for Paperflite. 

At the time, the marketing team at Armada was small - aka limited resources. And Armada had to overcome various marketing and business challenges to ensure a successful tradeshow.

How Nicole and

turned the page on tradeshow marketing and built a scalable self-serve model for tradeshows

Providing a low-touch digital experience
at tradeshows and taking new features to the market

Relying on physical collateral like printed brochures and pamphlets took time and effort, and Armada, a pioneer in the supply chain industry, wanted to highlight its tech-driven approach while showcasing its solutions. 

“Using Cleverstory really reinforced that we are committed to a more cutting-edge, data-driven way of communicating and working.”

Effective buyer engagement at every touch point - pre and post-tradeshow

When was the last time you picked up a printed brochure and took it home with you after the tradeshow?

In a world where tradeshow success is measured by badge scans and brochures handed out, Nicole wanted to create opportunities out of those badge scans and ensure high-intent visitors and high-quality leads were captured.

This is where we come in and say Paperflite worked with Armada and solved all their challenges. If only. But that wouldn’t do justice. 



Nicole had a well-thought-out structure to provide that low-touch digital experience that would enable Armada to showcase its offerings to all the attendees.

First on the list - interactive landing pages - each specific to a key Armada feature/offering.

Here is the checklist Nicole followed while building the interactive landing pages:

Identify target personas and create custom content tailored to their needs.

Incorporate Armada branding onto the interactive landing pages

Incorporate interactive visual elements: images, videos, and graphics 

Ensure mobile responsiveness of the landing pages since the visitors at the tradeshow would access the pages on their mobile device

Adding social proof: bring in customer testimonials

A clear call-to-action that visitors could use to reach out to Armada to express interest

Using Cleverstory’s no-code landing page editor, Nicole was able to easily plug-in content into the page, customize it for different personas, incorporate Armada branding and relevant imagery and visuals, bring in customer testimonials, and a registration form as well for each of these pages to capture leads at the tradeshows.

These dynamic landing pages highlighted challenges faced by supply chain teams -

effective order tracking, stock-out alerts, collaborative supply chains, 

and how Armada products solved these challenges. 

“I’m not super high-tech savvy, but I was able to start creating things right away. I think the templates are awesome and were a super big help and gave me a perfect structure that I needed”

a scalable self-serve model

Our leadership
gravitates to

so having those insights and being able to really prove that

versus a lot of hearsay and 
ambiguity has been really valuable

With Paperflite and Cleverstory, Nicole and Armada now have a single tool to engage prospects at each step of the funnel/pipeline — driving registrations before the tradeshow, engaging visitors at the tradeshow, and then capturing attention and nurturing and converting them to paying customers. 

Pre-tradeshow, Nicole and the team send out highly personalized Paperflite Collections to prospect accounts with the tradeshow landing page and registration forms. 

The QR code and Cleverstory landing pages help capture visitors’ attention during the tradeshow. After the tradeshow, Nicole uses Paperflite Collections to send Armada marketing material and other collateral specific to each prospect and nurtures these relationships, and showcases how Armada can solve their challenges.
“Debbie and I sort of came into it last year really sort of blind and without many tools. So adding in Paperflite and Cleverstory has really been one of the main tools that we’re using insights at the top of the funnel.”