How a
great buying
experience resulted in

BISON also wanted to provide a digital buying experience for their prospects that they would enjoy. 
BISON is a global provider of container weighing and lifting
solutions, helping equipment manufacturers lower
operating costs, improve productivity and operational
safety. With a footprint in over 60 countries, BISON serves
large organisations such as the US Army, NASA and GE.

BISON has been able to equip them with portability,
affordability and digital connectivity that traditional
container equipment handling can’t match.
“Given the competitive industry that we’re in, conventional selling methods are just not going to cut it if you want to stand out”, 
says Greg Fahey, CEO of BISON. 
At BISON, the Sales team would send out multiple pieces of content to their prospects but had no way of knowing if their prospect was engaging with it. 
Enter Andrew Humphries, Product Leader at BISON. 
Andrew was keen on enabling the sales reps to have better conversations with prospects and track how they consumed the shared content.


Andrew Humphries

Getting Greg’s buy-in was a walk in the park after he saw the sample experiences Andrew had put together for him.
Eventually, all the sales reps were onboarded onto the platform and were sending out personalised content to their prospects.
Our customers have enjoyed the BISON digital experience so much that we often get asked what solution we use to distribute our content.
we’ve been able to put together content microsites that the sales reps can easily personalise for different buyer personas

saving them a lot of time. 

With Paperflite,

Arriving at Paperflite

I came to find out about Paperflite through Pipedrive. I was reading the March Newsletter, and Paperflite was featured in there. That got me curious,  and after exploring other alternatives, I thought Paperflite came the closest to addressing our needs, Andrew says. 

Came via Pipedrive. Stayed for Paperflite. 

Soon enough, Andrew got onboard Paperflite and started trying out the Collections feature. 
After a quick demo of the platform, Andrew was convinced Paperflite would be the right platform for BISON to serve great content experiences to their prospects. 

Better Sales Outcomes

Product Leader, BISON Group

This allows our team

to their follow-up

and leads to


Our sales team were blind once they’d sent a piece of content. We now have granular information about every single piece of content being sent. How the lead is engaging with it, and what pages are most interesting. 
Our sales team couldn't be happier


See how you can serve highly engaging

content experiences and close deals faster


See how Paperflite can do it for you