Read how Venus uses Paperflite to enable reps with relevant content, improve the field selling experience, and collaborate with buyers effectively.

Helping medical
reps win, on and
off the field.

Want to see Paperflite in action?

Interesting things you’ll read in this case study  -

"We pride ourselves on being a modern, tech-driven company. When we use a platform like Paperflite to showcase our products… it elevates that credibility… it ensures we walk the talk."

Corliss Lee

Product Marketing Manager

Rapid Migration

Read how Paperflite helped Venus migrate its 28,000-strong content library in just 7 days, hassle-free.

Paperflite for Onboarding

Enablement doesn’t stop at sales. See how Venus’ post-sales and customer support teams use Paperflite.

Paperflite for Field sales

Venus’ field reps can easily find and showcase upto-date content, even when there’s no internet!

About the company

Venus is a global leader in the Medical Aesthetics industry.

Venus develops safe, non-invasive devices that address today's in-demand aesthetic needs. It is currently present in 60+ countries, and over 10 million Venus treatments are performed annually.

Who we’re talking to

Such was the case at Venus. Even after having a dedicated CMS, many sellers relied on familiar methods of managing content, like storing it on their local devices.

What’s the backstory?

Venus already had an enablement tool in place. But adoption was…bad.

Debby Tavares

Senior Director, Downstream Marketing

Debby oversees downstream marketing functions at the company, which includes everything from GTM to content enablement.

Product Marketing Manager

Corliss Lee

Sales reps already have a lot in their tech stack. The last thing you want is to overwhelm them with another complex tool, which, instead of simplifying things, adds to the confusion.

As product marketing manager at Venus, Corliss ensures that all teams are enabled with the right content at the right time. 


To fix up shop, Debby Tavares (Senior Director) and Corliss Lee (Marketing Manager) were looking for software sellers would USE. So while evaluating tools, their key priorities were:

“We wanted a tool that sellers wouldn’t run away from. It needed to be useful, intuitive, and fun. Paperflite fit the bill perfectly.

It provides actionable engagement analytics for sellers.

The tool should be intuitive and dead simple to use.

Strong link-up with Salesforce (Venus’ CRM solution)

Migration needs to be fast and pain-free.

See How Paperflite Fits into your Tech Stack

Here’s a quick overview of the process:

That’s where Paperflite’s onboarding and development teams stepped up to get the job done.

Based on Venus’ proposed structure, Paperflite’s dev team wrote custom code that fully automated the migration process.

Automating migration

Creating a broad structure

Venus develops a content structure that best caters to their content needs across multiple products, geographies, and teams.

Initial consulting

Paperflite’s onboarding team gave Corliss and the team suggestions and best practices on how to clean up and better organize content.

Get a content audit

How was the migration and user onboarding?

As things turned out, Venus’ contract with their previous enablement tool was nearing its end, and the team had just seven days to migrate to Paperflite.

“We had 28,000+ assets to migrate and were strapped for time. But Paperflite got it done in just five days

The onboarding and support Paperflite provided shone through.”

If there was one aspect Corliss and Debby couldn’t stop praising on the call, it was the support and hands-on assistance Venus received during onboarding.

(Credits for which go to Priya Abraham, Customer Success Manager at Paperflite!)




content experiences

were migrated in just five days (two days before time!) Enabling Venus to seamlessly move from one platform to another without any time and data loss.


of data

And voila

Take a look at the process Priya and her team follow to ensure fast and high adoption :

These dedicated onboarding efforts paid off big time, catapulting Venus to outstanding product adoption rates. Here’s to software success!

Separate walkthroughs with every team

Venus had a sales team of around 200 people. Priya conducted separate Zoom call sessions with 10-20 individuals per batch.

Refresher  calls

Priya scheduled periodic refresher calls to reinforce the team's knowledge, address new questions, and ensure continuous engagement with Paperflite's features.

Detailed sessions with admins

To start, Priya conducted detailed sessions with Corliss and Debby to help them gain a deep understanding of Paperflite and become product experts.

Walkthrough for
new users

For every new employee who joined Venus’ GTM team, Priya and the team proactively conducted an onboarding session. (This practice continues to this day.)


How Paperflite is helping the sales team.

What’s more? The team could see which customers were (and were not) going through the onboarding documentation. This helped them identify which customers were at risk and proactively reach out to them.

How Paperflite’s helping the post-sales (Customer Success) team.

How Paperflite improved the field selling experience

We were able to give clients everything they needed to succeed, in one place.

With Paperflite available on their phones/ipads, reps can easily pull up and present relevant content on the spot.

How Paperflite is helping the marketing team.

As a product marketer, I love how easy it is to update content and ensure version control.

Product marketers feel this pain. You work hard to keep content up-to-date only for your sellers to share the outdated, off-brand deck that was created over a year ago.

...Not Corliss, though.

With Paperflite, every update/change she makes to a deck automatically reflects for everyone in the org (even clients with whom it’s already been shared)!
This ease in the content updation process ensured that Venus’ messaging remained relevant even when their positioning went through changes.

In Venus, as in most companies, customer onboarding involves sharing a lot of guides and product documentation. With Paperflite, Venus’ post-sales team was able to neatly package this content in a personalized mini-site, significantly enhancing the customer onboarding experience.

Zoom calls are easy. If there’s a slip-up, you can easily blame it on the bad wifi or your laptop lagging (a classic).

But when you’re face to face, there’s nowhere to hide. You struggle to find the document “that should be just here somewhereee”, while your buyer looks at you and sighs.

On the field, you've got to be on your A game. That's why the field reps at Venus use (and love) Paperflite’s mobile app.

These insights helped sellers (finally) fill the blind spots between their meetings, see who to prioritize, and double down on clients likely to close.

A significant portion of the sale —  approximately 80%- happens internally at your buyer’s company. But how do you keep track of all these async buyer interactions?

That’s where Paperflite changed the game for the sellers at Venus. Instead of email attachments, they began using 'digital sales rooms' to share content, which allowed them to:

  • Track how buyers were engaging with their sales collateral.
  • See which deals are on track and which are cooling off.
  • Get alerts on any new stakeholders that enter the room.

Paperflite helped our reps can see what’s really happening in between the meetings.

Venus faced significant challenges with adopting its previous content management system. In search of a solution, Venus looked for an alternate tool that was easy to use, meshed well with their existing CRM systems, and could handle a large-scale content migration smoothly and quickly.

They selected Paperflite for its intuitive interface and functionality, which includes seamless integration with Salesforce and effective content tracking capabilities. Paperflite’s customer success team pulled off a migration of 28,000+ assets in just a week and provided strong support throughout the onboarding process. The platform's capability to update content in real-time and offer insights on how prospects interact with materials has significantly boosted the capabilities of Venus’ sales and marketing teams, improving productivity and content management across the board.


Kennie Thomas

Account Manager



Corliss Lee

Product Marketing Manager

Debby Tavares

Senior Director,
Downstream Marketing

T H E   T E A M